This year has proved to a be a tough year in the Lewis house but one in which we praise God for also. We began 2009 by continuing to try to have a baby and I was finishing up my last semester at Vanguard in the Graduate Psychology Program. In february we had our amazing first family photos and found a photographer that we will keep as long as we live in California. He is absolutely amazing. To view his work or look into getting your own photos done by him go to
Kassel Photographyand check him out.
In February we also headed to Las Vegas for a weekend to celebrate our one year anniversary and shortly thereafter headed to Indiana to celebrate Hilliary's (my older sister) baby shower. Later in March on Spring break we took a road trip all around the state of California making sure to stop in locations such as The Hearst Castle, The Winchester Mystery House, San Francisco where we toured Alcatraz,Our State Capital, Reno Nevada, and even the Jelly Belly Jelly Bean Factory as well as much more. It was a blast. We spent a whole week on the road and enjoyed it so much.
In April, I was named Outstanding student in my graduate program and was asked to speak at my master's hooding ceremony. That was such an honor for me and absolutely changed the way I think about myself. It was such a blessing to know that not only my colleagues but my professors respect me in my field. How wonderful is that??!!! My wonderful friends were able to come out for my hooding as well as my Mother in Law, Step Father in Law, past boss, and many others who love and support me. It was a great night and really brought a finality to all of the work that God had done with me through Grad School.
In early May, I graduated with my Masters Degree and was given a much needed break after all of those years of school and we went for a little married retreat at my favorite San Deigo get away (Rancho Relaxo). While on that retreat, Anthony and I made our first child together. Little Jamie was conceived on that trip and in early June near our 3 year anniversary of dating, I found out I was pregnant. We had been trying for about 7 months when we found out. It was the most amazing moment of my life to realize I was holding life within my body. Anthony could not have been more excited. Right around the same time I got pregnant, my nephew Shawn was born. This was such a joyous event for us as we lost our first nephew in a car accident in 2007. Shawn is such a joy to both of us and we are lucky to have him!
This is where our whirlwind of a year started to be even more chaotic. I was admitted to the hospital pretty immediately after finding out I was pregnant due to diabetic issues. They monitored the pregnancy very closely as I had ultra sounds every week of my pregnancy. I carried my precious little one for only 11 weeks before I had to let go and Jesus took my little one home. This was probably the roughest thing I have ever endured in my life and for me, that's saying a lot. We lost our little one on July 16th.
On August 9th, Anthony and I celebrated one year married and my 29th Birthday. We weren't much in the mood for celebrating so we kind of went low key this year. Just a few gifts and a romantic dinner was enough for us. I also applied for my Board of Behavioral Sciences Marriage and Family Therapist Intern # this month and started working for my professor in a organizational/clerical position before starting in private practice.
In September, my little sister turned 23 and was getting ready to have my neice so I decided to surprise my family by coming home the day after her birthday and being there for my neice's arrival. I got to Indiana on September 28th and wonderful little Kaylea came into the world on October 2nd via C-Section. I also was able to meet my nephew Shawn on this trip and to be honest, it healed my heart after losing Jamie. They both bring me such joy and fill my heart with gladness so I could feel God's healing hands working through their sweet faces and cuddly little bodies. Isn't God good?!!!
Shortly after coming home, Britt was admitted to the hospital and needed to have her gall bladder out due to some complications connected to the birth. Through the kindness of my boss and the willingness of my husband I headed back to Indiana at the end of October/first of November to help out with Kaylea while Britt started to get better. I am happy to say now that Britt and Kaylea are completely healthy and God healed so much in that situation. While I was home I was able to see friends, hang out with family, and celebrate my older sisters/mom's birthday on November 11th before heading back on the 12th.
When I got home my awesome Intern # was waiting on me and God was so good to give me a client right away so I could start doing what I love and what I went to school for. I now have a second client and possibly a third starting at the beginning of 2010. Anthony and I spent Thanksgiving at home enjoying a delicious turkey together in the romantic quietness of our home. We are doing the same for Christmas and celebrating with Anthony's family after Christmas. On December 17th, Anthony turned 29 and we celebrated by spending the weekend at a very nice hotel in Laguna Woods enjoying some married time. This included tv in bed, romantic walks, Nice dinners, and champagne toasts. Our New year will most likely be spent alone as well. We are establishing our own family traditions each day. We are healing through this year but sometimes that requires that you get closer as a couple and spend time recouping your losses.
Our plans for 2010 include a vacation, seeing the neice and nephew as many times as possible, having britt and Kaylea out in the summer, possibly having Tasha and Mike out in the Spring, and getting our life together financially and working on our careers. Overall, we want to love better, live happier, and delight in our 2 year anniversary, our 30th birthdays and our 3rd married year together. God is soooo amazing and all is well on the Lewis' home front.
Still no news to report on having children. We will update you all when we feel like WE know what we are going to do.
Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and we pray the Lord blessings on your home in 2010!
--Anthony & Erica Lewis--