Anthony and I spent his day off today with Chris (the little boy I nanny for). I shouldn't call him a little boy since he is now 15 years old and not very little. Tomorrow will be my last actual day working with him. I will have about 4.5 hours with him tomorrow and then I will be done with my job there. I lived with him for over 3.5 years so my heart is a little tender today. I picked him up this morning at 11:30 or so and he had a card for me from he and Richard (his father). It was precious and was very heartfelt from the both of them. We decided to spend our last day together at my apartment with Anthony having a barbecue and going swimming.
We got back to my place and Anthony fired up the grill and we had burgers, hot dogs, and mac and cheese and watched Bad Boys. We then got our suits on and headed to my apartment complex pool and jacuzzi. We spent about an hour chillin in the pool and jacuzzi and I layed on the lounge chair for 20 minutes or so enjoying the warm summer day. We then headed to our complex gym for a few minutes and then back to my apartment for some rest for Erica and the boys went to shoot hoops at the complex court.
I watched my recorded episode of Good Morning America and read some in my book about spiritual disciplines while they enjoyed the Male bonding! :) They came back and played a few games of chess and we ate some leftovers from lunch and took Chris back home. It is really hard to think that I won't see every day of his life anymore. It is hard to imagine that his grades and behavior are no longer my business but it is a new place for Anthony and I to start.
Anthony and I get married in 9 days and it is amazing to me to think about how things are changing right now. My little sister will be here in just a few days (August 4th) and we are going to have plenty of good times. Anthony and I are looking forward to our life together and kind of getting excited/anxious about the things that are changing for us and the new challenges that we are presented with.
Tomorrow is also my last day at my current site for clients and I will be moving to two different sites to take new clients. It is an exciting time but also a trying time as my body feels very stressed and I am seeing a lot of digestive and female issues resulting from it. I could use some prayer honestly as the new things get more routine!
Can't wait to be Mrs. Lewis,