Anthony and I have been moving around quite a bit lately with some trips we have had planned. We just got back on Monday morning from our weekend trip to Vegas to celebrate 6 months married. We had a good time and just hung out at our hotel and ate good meals and relaxed. We love Vegas and always enjoy our time there.
Tomorrow we are headed to Indiana for 4 days to visit friends and family. I am so excited to see my friends and hang out and see my sisters and parents! It's been about 4 months or so since I have seen anyone from back home and I am looking forward to just hanging out. It also doesn't hurt to just get away for a few days from my last semester of my masters and get a breather.
Anthony and I are also leaving in less than a month on our vacation road trip. We are planning to go up to San Fran and then enjoy a scenic route back home visiting a few spots. This will be our first ACTUAL vacation that isn't to Vegas or Indiana. I am excited to just get away. Our get aways have always been for 2-3 days to somewhere near by or Indiana. We went away to San Deigo last year and it was a lot of fun but only for a weekend. This is a whole week with the love of my life enjoying married life without Grad School breathing down my neck since it is Spring Break!
Anyway, all that to say, I am excited to be in Indiana tomorrow and see all of my peeps and once again, Anthony gets to experience the lovliness of farm land! I am excited!
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