For some time I have had an idea for the blog, which I got from a friend's blog to have themed days of the week to cover different kinds of topics. Hers are more suited to children with special needs, cancer, etc... as she is an amazing mother of 4 beautiful children and things of that nature are in the rolodex of her life. On our blog, I have wanted to gear my daily posts on things that make Anthony & Myself tick. So since today I finished exit and don't have a lot of school stuff to take my time anymore, I will unveil the list I have been working on and will begin posting on these things. I am excited to see how this goes.
Movie Mondays: Anthony is incredibly passionate about movies and I have started to delve into watching more of them also. I have a tendency to pick them apart for their psychological components or explain why they aren't appropriate for children or could make you grow personally. Anthony will tell you about the graphics, the amazing shots that were taken, the characters, etc.. We will be adding a bit of all of that to Mondays on the blog.
Tasty Tuesday: Tuesdays will be dedicated to my quest to try new recipes and ideas in the kitchen. I will be posting actual recipes, new foods that Anthony and I have tried and how we have cooked them up, nutrition information that I have recently learned and the like. We are passionate about food around here.
Witty Wednesday: This is a place for me to just post funny stories, anecdotes, funny things that have happened in our lives, jokes that may be appropriate, etc... I think this will be a fun day.
Thrifty Thursday: Thursdays will be dedicated to posting tips on how to run a budget in your house, how to recycle or reuse common household items, amazing thrift store or bargain finds, and maybe even eye opening offers out there on the net that aren't being shared.
Faith Fridays: Since Jesus is something that we are really passinate about in my house, we decided Friday would be dedicated to a word from God. Sometimes this will come from me and the devotionals I have written or am writing that God leads me through. This could also come from a guest blogger as I have very spiritual and intuitive friends. This could also just be a verse that struck a chord with us or even a portion of a book we are reading that God is speaking through. Either way, it will be a great day!
Singer/Song Saturdays: This is the day where we bring up new talent, great songs, lyrics to oldies but goodies, or just talk about some of the trash out there that people call music. Anthony and I are incredibly into music and have quite a collection and are continuing to add to that daily. We are always looking for new artists or songs to talk about or listen to. This, as all of the days will be open for feedback as well.
Scrapbook Sunday: As Scrapbooking is one of my major hobbies I named this day after scrapbooking, however this is a day where I will be posting about my many hobbies such as scrapbooking, guitar, learning spanish, nature, traveling, etc... This could cover a multitude of topics.
I just thought I would make a post about these so you will know what's coming and what days to check in regarding your own interests. Also, I will continue to post about our family updates and things that are going on in the Lewis' household.
If you think this idea is great....you should go over and check out my friend's blog at My Special K's (Because she does an amazing job at it)
1 comment:
Aww thanks! :) I can't wait to read your daily posts!!!
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