- Cannie is Jewish.
- Cannie is plus size.
- Cannie is brunette.
- Cannie has green eyes.
- Cannie has a skinny best friend. (Love you Heather)
- Cannie is a writer (I like to call myself a writer)
- Cannie wears Doc Martens.
- Cannie is very quickly replaced by her ex-boyfriend.
- Cannie's father left when she was young.
- Cannie is the "smart one" in the family.
- Cannie has a hard time with her weight issue.
- Cannie is extremely passionate about food.
- Cannie loves good books.
- Cannie finds the love of someone wonderful who loves her regardless of size.
- Cannie likes Iced coffee.
There are probably more similiarities and I am missing them but this book really grabbed me. I read it in 3 days and literally got lost in its pages. It brought some insight to me as well. Cannie takes opportunities to care for herself, set boundaries, and do things that are good for HER. I was proud of her and then realized that through her, I am proud of me. I cared so much about what happened to this character. I found out at the end, there is a sequel and my plus size wonderful booty is going to be going to Borders tomorrow to pick it up. I was moved by a book again. It's been a while with Grad School. I remember now what I need to get back to. My true loves.
I am so grateful tonight for the passions that I have and that I am coming out of the numbness of bad boundaries to see that I am still here, ready to be cared for. Tonight, Anthony and I had the "talk" that all couples eventually have about the time frame of a wedding/marriage. Things are looking good and I am praying that God does his perfect will in the timing. He loves us and I know he is looking out for me. My heart will get better. Patience is what I am going to practice.
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